T-Mobile has announced it will pay off your current phone, up to $1,000.00 if you switch to their network.

The limited time offer is designed to allow customers to switch from their current carrier to T-Mobile and continue using their existing smartphone without cost. T-Mobile has more details available on its website, including instructions for customers looking to switch from Verizon, AT&T, U.S. Cellular, and select other carriers.

The steps on T-Mobile’s website include verifying your smartphone is an eligible device, submitting screenshot proof of your current device payment plan balance, ordering a T-Mobile SIM card and choosing a plan, and submitting a rebate claim. The prepaid MasterCard can then be used to pay off the remaining device balance at your previous carrier.

Fine print indicates that a credit check and an eligible T-Mobile plan is required. The smartphone must be unlocked before being ported in to T-Mobile.

Via: MacRumors.com / T-Moble

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