LenovoLogo“Dismayed that family members are spread out over the house, each with a separate PC or tablet? Lenovo has something it believes will get them back together: a PC the size of a coffee table that works like a gigantic tablet and lets four people use it at once,” Peter Svensson reports for The Associated Press.

“At first glance, it looks like a regular all-in-one machine in the vein of the iMac: It’s a 27-inch screen with the innards of a Windows 8 computer built into it, and it can stand up on a tabl,” Svensson reports. “But you can pick it up off the table, unhook the power cord and lay it flat for games of ‘Monopoly.’ It’s big enough to fit four people around it, and the screen can respond to ten fingers touching it at the same time.”

Sources: MacDailyNews.com, lenovo

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Dan Uff
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