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Most privacy solutions are based on hiding your IP address, encrypting our internet traffic or encrypting your phone conversations and texting. However, such solutions are a joke. If the powers that be cannot read your email, what’s to stop them from reading all your friends’, family’s and associates emails to learn all they want to know about you anyway?

Moreover, most companies promoting VPN, secure tunnels and proxies as a means to privacy don’t tell you how to plug up the leak capacity build into most web browsers, nor do they tell you how to plug your DNS leak. I consider this to be false advertising by omission. As for conversation encryption, first of all, according to Edward Snowden, an awful lot of household word corporations have been recruited by the NSA into the PRISM surveillance program, so common scene dictates that you probably can’t trust encryption apps produced by large corporations and they may have backdoors built into them.

Privacy Bible is the only book, in my opinion, that introduces solutions circumspective enough to actually be effective. You can read a free chapter here.

Everyone you communicate with that is not using privacy solutions as recommended in Privacy Bible is like a weak link in your chain – if you want privacy. Therefore, Privacy Bible is a call to enlistment in a new privacy army to fight unconstitutional and/or illegal surveillance.

For more information on how you can protect your and your family’s internet privacy, click here.

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Dan Uff
Senior Writer / Owner