Okay.  So you made an iOS app.  You got it approved and its now on the App Store.  Now you need to let people know that it exists.

Sure, you could pay a huge advertising firm to promote it.  But that takes money, time, and talent.  If you’re a small developer like me, you do not have the resources to do so.

The other day I was doing some research for one of my apps, and came across this website from Apple called “Marketing Tools and Resources“.  This website not only gives you tips and resources to promote your app(s), but also gives you App Store logos and direct URL links to those apps so that your customers can easily click on and get information and/or download your app.

The website is not only to promote apps, but also Apple Arcade games, books, podcasts, and more.

For more information, click here.


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Dan Uff
Senior Writer / Owner