Windows 8 heads to PC makers – but questions remain

PC World: As Windows 8 makes its way to hardware manufacturers before landing on store shelves October 26 it’s anybody’s guess whether the new operating system will be a hit or another mega-sized Vista flop. The new touch-focused version of Windows is a radical shift from previous iterations of the OS offering a lot of new features that could […]


Microsoft announces Windows 8 release date

At a sales meeting, Steven Sinofsky, Microsoft’s head of Windows, announced that Microsoft’s next operating system, Windows 8, will be released on October 26th. The upgrade to Windows 8 will cost $40.00 ($70.00 if you want a DVD copy). Industry insiders also think that Microsoft’s upcoming surface tablet will also be released around this time […]


The Windows Logo – Microsoft going BACKWARDS?

Web site came up with an interesting observation that the “new Windows 8 logo” isn’t so new after all.  Yet another reason why a changing of the guard is in order. Microsoft’s effort to “reimagine” Windows with version 8 has been fundamental, whether you’re talking about interaction methods, visual design, or pricing strategy, but one […]