Apple could let you sell your iTunes content to other people

According to C|, Apple may let their customers sell purchased iTunes content to other people.  The story cites a recent patient filing that says such. From the article: “Published today by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and filed last June, an Apple patent application named “Managing Access To Digital Content Items” conjures up a system for […]


Apple applies for iPad design Trademark in China

The maker of the iPad has filed applications in China to secure a design trademark on the iconic tablet, perhaps in hopes of avoiding a repeat of the legal battles with Samsung over the “rectangle with rounded corners” look of many of the rival firm’s copycat devices. While many manufacturers manage to make tablets that don’t obviously look like […]


Sony files patent for controller that splits in two

There’s been a lot of speculation about what the next generation of game machines from Sony and Microsoft will look and play like. But new game machines also mean new game controllers. So how will Sony and Microsoft put players in control of the video games of the future? Documents released this week by the U.S. patent office show that, for its part, Sony […]