Apple files Trademark for the Apple's Logo Leaf (yes, the leaf)

Views: 250“On November 04, 2012, The Trademarks and Designs Registration Office of the European Union published Apple’s trademark application for the Leaf in the Apple logo,” Jack Purcher reports for Patently Apple. “Yes, just the leaf and nothing more.” “Apple’s UK attorneys officially filed the application yesterday,” Purcher reports. “The filing covers ten International Classes. Apple’s legal team literally […]


The Beatles' Iconic Apple Corps Logo is now a Registered Trademark of Apple, Inc.

Views: 18For anyone who has followed Apple, Inc.  They know about the ongoing war between them and a company called Apple Corps, who produced and owned the rights to all of the Beatles songs over the years. Apple Corps told Apple Computer that it can use its Apple logo as long as it doesn’t get […]