The Twitter Meltdown that WASN’T

Last Thursday, there were reports coming from major sources that nearly 80% of Twitter’s workforce had left the company in protest to Elon Musk’s memo, stating that the staff either pledged to work with Twitter and get ready for long and intense hours, or leave the company. Reports were coming in from major news sources […]


Elon Musk defends proposed blue checkmark plan to Steven King

Twitter’s new CEO, Elon Musk, defended his plan to start charging a monthly fee for the valued Checkmark icon that most politicians and celebrities have to identify that it is the real person. On Monday, Steven King commented on Musk’s idea on charging $20.00 a month to keep the blue checkmark next to his name. […]


Gentleman: Beware of Twitter and other social media platforms

The following article can be used as proof for your significant other that what they may see on Twitter on one of your devices may NOT be for you! I use Twitter for business and other communications. Over the past year, I have been getting followers from the adult industry that I did not ask […]