Apple patent application details non-invasive glucose monitoring tech for Apple Watch

“A patent application published Thursday potentially offers clues into Apple’s rumored non-invasive glucose monitoring solution, diabetes tracking technology considered to be a ‘holy grail’ of medical science,” Mikey Campbell reports for AppleInsider. “” “Published by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office on Thursday, Apple’s patent application for ‘Reference switch architectures for noncontact sensing of substances’ […]


Study finds that Apple Watch can detect early signs of diabetes with 85% accuracy

( Amid rumors that Apple is working on a non-invasive glucose monitoring system for Apple Watch, researchers are using cutting edge software science to prove the heart rate sensors in current-generation wearables can successfully detect early signs of diabetes. As part of an ongoing study involving Apple Watch and Android Wear users, researchers at app developer […]


Apple appears to be working on blood glucose monitoring as a way to address Type 2 Diabetes

“Apple appears to be working on blood glucose monitoring as a way to address Type 2 Diabetes,” Jean-Louis Gassée writes for Monday Note. “‘Glucose monitoring’ is a code word for fighting the growing scourge of Type 2 Diabetes. Unlike Type 1 Diabetes, which is unpreventable, the Type 2 variety is, to be polite, a ‘lifestyle’ […]