Amazon adds intercom feature to its Echo product

If you were looking for an excuse to get another Amazon Echo, the company has added a feature to push you over the edge – an internal intercom feature. Now when someone has multiple echos in one home, they can use them as an internal intercom.  Set-up and activating it is a snap.  Here’s how: […]


Now, hear Howard Stern on Sirius XM Radio via the Amazon Echo

Amazon is advertising on its Alexa site that Echo users can now get shock jock Howard Stern on Sirius XM Radio (account required). You have to enable the skill via the Amazon Alexa web site, enable the skill, and then link your Sirius XM account to it. The feature is available now.


Amazon Exec: Alexa and Siri SHOULD be able to talk to each other

“Alexa and Siri, rival voice assistants on Amazon’s Echo and Apple’s iPhone, don’t directly communicate with one another. But the Amazon executive in charge of Alexa and the Amazon Echo said he’d welcome the idea,” Edward C. Baig reports for USA Today. “‘You should be able to tell ‘Alexa, ask Siri X,” said David Limp, […]