Apple, AT&T, FCC and Google team up in ‘strike force’ to combat Robocalls

After a call by U.S. Federal Communications Commission’s commissioner, Apple and 32 other companies are banding together to make an industry-wide organized resistance against the expanding “robocall” scourge. The FCC “Industry-Led Robocall Strike Force” is holding its first meeting in Washington D.C on Friday morning. AT&T CEO and strike force director Randall Stephenson is expected to detail […]


AT&T Gets Caught again – To pay $7.75 Million for Phone Bill Cramming

The Federal Communications Commission on Monday announced AT&T will pay $7.75 million in fines and refunds for allowing scammers to operate a “cramming” scheme that saddled thousands of customers with charges for a fraudulent directory service. According to a statement from the FCC’s Enforcement Bureau (PDF link), the Drug Enforcement Agency uncovered the scam perpetrated […]


iPad Pro and Apple Pencil Pass F.C.C. – Launch soon

The iPad Pro and the Apple Pencil has passed all rules and regulations required by the U.S. Federal Communications Commission, which means Apple may announce an official launch date within the next few days or weeks. In the meantime, the iPad Pro’s Smart Keyboard may be limited to an U.S. layout on launch day, according […]


Sphero's BB-8 Droid Toy coming to Apple Stores on Friday

Star Wars and iPhone fans rejoice.  Now you can have the best of both worlds by controlling your very own BB-8 robot with your iPhone or iPad. The toy, made by Sphero, can be controlled by an iOS device with ease. Here’s the official video: The droid retails for $150.00 and is available now.