SwiftUI: The Complete Guide to NavigationView

NavigationView in SwiftUI is the most important programming feature an app maker has to know, as its used more times than not to quickly show a lot of information to a user at one time. It displays a list of options that lets a user select and go to another view for more information. The […]


SwiftUI: How to use a different Font with a TextField

As we developers create an app, we always want to put our customized touches to it.  Fortunately, Xcode and SwiftUI makes it easy to bring custom fonts to your apps. Using a TextField allows a user to input data into the app.  But wouldn’t it be nice if you could customized the look of the […]


Apple releases Swift Playground for Mac

On Tuesday, released a Mac Catalyst-based app, Swift Playgrounds for Mac, which was built from the existing iPadOS Swift Playgrounds app. According to the information: Swift Playgrounds is a revolutionary app for Mac and iPad that makes it fun to learn and experiment with code. You solve interactive puzzles in the guided “Learn to Code” […]