Virtually nobody in America is using an Apple-Google COVID-19 contact tracing app

In the early months of the pandemic, engineers from Google, Apple and a handful of other tech companies got together to build a system to notify people if they’d come in contact with someone who had tested positive for COVID-19, but virtually nobody in America today is using an Apple-Google contact tracing (exposure notification) app. […]


Google changes its Terms of Service in 2022

Google is sending an email to all registered users notifying them of changes to their Terms of Service starting on January 5th, 2022. The following is a copy of that email: Dear xxxxxx: On January 5, 2022, we’re making some changes to our Terms of Service. These changes won’t affect the way you use Google […]


Google announces 4K Plus for GoogleTV

Google has announced a new addition to its TV service called GoogleTV 4K Plus.  For an additional $19.95/Month, customers can experience TV shows and sporting evens in 4K for those TVs that support it. GoogleTV is running a special to help introduce the new service.  If current customers signup now, the service will only be […]