Apple’s Eddy Cue: Apple Music has 60 Million Subscribers

According to Apple Senior Vice President of Services Eddy Cue, the company’s Apple Music subscription service has hit the 60 million paid Subscriber milestone.  This milestone has been reached during the first 4 years of the services existence. Cue declined to offer details to Numerama about how many users there are on other platforms, such […]


Meet the first women to head Apple’s Industrial Design Team

Jony Ive’s departure from Apple puts Evans Hankey in charge of the Industrial Design team that created everything from the iMac to the iPhone — a position critical to the future of the company. Her new title is VP of Industrial Design, Jony Ive’s role was so large that that two people will be needed to […]


WatchESPN is going away to be replaced by The ESPN App

Yesterday, ESPN began notifying subscribers that the WatchESPN app is going away June 30th 2019. If you want to watch ESPN content on your mobile device you will need to download the ESPN app. Slowly ESPN has been adding features of the WatchESPN app to the ESPN app. Now it seems that ESPN has decided to […]