Are you still using Obj-C, but are considering going to Swift 5? Perhaps this book may help

The other day, I was on when I stumbled across this book by Amit Chaudhary that compares the good and bad between using the Objective-C programming language vs. the up-and-coming Swift 5 programming languages. This Kindle book covers the following topics: This book has covered the latest version 5 of Swift and the latest version […]


Apple CANCELS AirPower wireless charging mat

Mid Friday, Apple’s Senior Vice President Dan Riccio made an announcement that it has cancelled their wireless charging mat that they preformed a sneak peak in September of 2017: After much effort, we’ve concluded AirPower will not achieve our high standards and we have cancelled the project. We apologize to those customers who were looking forward […]


Design Patterns in Swift 5: Learn how to implement the Gang of Four Design Patterns using Swift 5. Improve your coding skills. (Swift Clinic Book 2)

Now that the latest version of Xcode has a form of the Swift 5 programming language, we will be featuring some Kindle Books this weekend to help you get started in learning the fast-growing programming language from Apple. To start off, is the book name that’s in the heading of this article, “Design Patterns in […]


Apple’s free iWork Suite just got better

Unlike Microsoft’s Word suite, Apple’s iWork suite of programs for the Mac and iOS are built for the platform by the people that know it best. Now Apple has improved the popular suite for iOS with the following: Keynote 5.0 improvements The latest version of Apple’s presentation app doesn’t require a stylus to draw an […]